

Bible Contradiction Contributions

Bible Contradiction Search Data Set

Multiple Source Data Sets

Bible Contradictions Posters

BibViz Week One

Bible Contradiction Search ========================== It's now possible to filter contradictions with a text search right on the main BibViz Project homepage. This works for any supported data set and filters items in real-time as you type: ![Bible contradiction search](bible-contradiction-search.png) Also included with these updates are how URLs are handled. A new URL hash processor is included that updates the page hash and reads it on page load, allowing you to set filters and save the page to share with a friend. For example, the URL to show all contradictions from the data set that touch the book Exodus, the URL would contain `#source:evil-bible,book:Exodus`. ![URL hashes](url-hashes.png) Hopefully this makes it easier to share and directly link to contradiction chart data!
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