4 September 2013
Bible Contradictions Posters
Many BibViz.com visitors have been asking for larger printable versions of the site. Today I'm proud to announce that two posters have gone on sale in the [BibViz store](http://www.zazzle.com/bibviz*)! The first shows the infographics from the main BibViz page, while the second shows just the contradictions chart and table of contradiction information.
Both posters include a link to the BibViz.com website, where the infographics can be interactively explored.
Each sale of the posters benefits BibViz.com, helping to cover the costs of hosting, server management and new development.
If you have a printer capable of printing posters and would like to print one yourself, you can do so by generating the poster image file with [PhantomJS](http://phantomjs.org/) and [rasterize.js](https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/examples/rasterize.js). Please make sure that your PhantomJS build supports WebFonts, then run the following:
phantomjs rasterize.js http://bibviz.com/poster.html poster.png null 2
If you decide to print your own poster, please consider [donating a few dollars to BibViz](https://spb.io/0rgLYyRkJK).
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